Dr. Chaitali Adkar is a highly skilled Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist practicing in Ravet, Pune. Dr. Adkar completed her MBBS from the renowned KEM Hospital, Mumbai, and went on to pursue her MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College, Solapur. Further strengthening her expertise, she earned a DNB in OBGY and completed an Infertility Fellowship at OASIS Fertility Center, Wakad, Pune. Her journey in medicine is marked by a keen interest in reproductive health, which she continues to enhance through regular participation in training programs and conferences.
Our expert team monitors high-risk pregnancies to ensure optimal care for mother and baby.
Our dedicated team provides a secure surgical delivery and post-operative care.
Our team offers essential antenatal support and dedicated postnatal care for both.
We ensures a safe and supportive delivery experience.
We enhance the woman’s comfort and well-being while maintaining safety for both.
Happy Patients
Successful Deliveries
Treatments Offered
Years Of Experience